Today marks the launch of Aervana’s ‘Pour it Forward’ campaign in partnership with Western Washington’s leading non-profit in the effort to end hunger, Food Lifeline. A member of Feeding America, Food Lifeline works to feed people facing hunger today and to address the root causes that create food insecurity to end hunger for tomorrow.

As a partner in Food Lifeline’s Season of Giving, Aervana is making an ongoing commitment in this essential work by pledging $1 of every sale of the brand new Saffron or Dusty Blue Aervana Essential Wine Aerators to Food Lifeline, starting today and donating quarterly moving forward.

Aervana is inviting our customers to help support this commitment by making a purchase of an Aervana Essential on or Amazon— just $1 dollar can support as many as five meals for families in need.
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages globally, Food Lifeline reports that twice as many of our neighbors in Western Washington are experiencing food insecurity than ever before, reflective of increased insecurity across the US and abroad. As a Seattle-based company, Aervana designed the release of the new Saffron and Dusty Blue Essential products to pledge to an ongoing impact in our community.

Like Food Lifeline, the Aervana team firmly believes that access to food is a human right and, as members of the food & beverage community, want to support both increased basic access to food and participate in the effort to end hunger while addressing the root causes. There is no better partner in this work than Food Lifeline, who distributes the equivalent of 197,000 meals in Western Washington every day and has over forty years of experience addressing hunger in our area.

The Aervana Essential in Saffron and Dusty Blue are the newest additions to the Aervana one-touch aeration line, providing the same amazing instant aeration for wines that need to breathe, in a fresh, contemporary format for everyday wine drinkers. The new Saffron and Dusty Blue Essentials were created with community impact in mind, providing an opportunity for a special product release to link to an ongoing financial commitment to help address the needs of our immediate community.

As the days grow shorter and the season takes its traditional turn towards giving thanks and giving back, Aervana is taking one step in participating in community care all year round. Please join us by making a purchase of a Saffron or Dusty Blue Aervana Essential and supporting Food Lifeline’s essential work in the process.
To learn more about Food Lifeline, please visit: