"What's Galentine's Day? Oh, it's only the best day of the year"
What's that you say? Today is February 13th? Better break out the breakfast food and put on your best ladies-celebrating-ladies pants suit, because that means the best day of year is upon us.
For those of you who haven't been introduced to the glory that is Galentine's Day, let us enlighten you.
Galentine's Day is the creation of Amy Poehler's character, Leslie Knope, on the show Parks and Recreation. The day before Valentine's Day, Galentine's Day is a time for female friends to come together and celebrate how absolutely stellar, lovely, intelligent and all-around magnificent their friends are.
Beyoncé and Nicki understand the power of female friendship
Galentine's Day is traditionally celebrated during an all-ladies brunch, where you consume delicious breakfast foods while exchanging validating gifts (the inaugural Galentine's Day included mosaic portraits of all of Leslie's friends and a personal essay on why each of them are so awesome).
Although red wine is ~typically~ not considered a brunch beverage, really, what goes better with female empowerment and getting down with your lady friends than a big 'ole glass of vino? (Literally, nothing in the world, that's what.)
Betty knows what's up
Plus, Galentine's Day is so important, it should really be an all-day affair. So, even if you start your morning with a mimosa or bloody mary, there's still PLENTY of time for wine.
You know what goes great with sharing hilarious stories about your fantastic successes in business, art, sporting and friendship? Wine.
Amy knows. Listen to Amy.
You know what helps every ladies-only dance party reach the peak of carefree merriment and throw-down-drop-the-mic potential? Wine does.
You know what Michelle Obama loves and would probably be like, "Hey, awesome choice, I bet you have great heart health and want to protect the environment and make a great frittata," if she saw you drinking? Wine, that's what.
So, this Galentine's Day, gather all of the fabulous ladies you know around you, crack open a bottle and celebrate what's important: your friends being their impeccable selves.
#ovariesbeforebrovaries #uterusesbeforeduderuses
Love, Aervana